So It Begins!

My war on GLUE begins today! I decided last week that I was going to have a long discussion with each class about glue. I asked the class who enjoys glue (everyone raised their hand). I then asked the class, who likes when the glue bottle gets clogged (no one raised their hand). I told everyone that I hated glue, but like them love what it does in art. We then talked about what to do when the glue bottle clogs. 1. NEVER USE A SCISSORS TO UNCLOG A GLUE BOTTLE! 2. NEVER JAM YOUR PENCIL INTO A GLUE BOTTLE TO UNCLOG IT! 3. When a bottle gets clogged bring the bottle up to MR. LAWNICZAK... he will give you a new one and fix the clogged one. 4. I reemphasized that I will never get mad if you come up to me and ask me to unclog a glue bottle. I WILL GET MAD AND TAKE AWAY YOUR GLUE BOTTLE PRIVILEGES IF I SEE YOU USING A SCISSORS TO UNCLOG IT! After all of this... I then brought the students over to the demonstration table and did a demonstration on the use of gravity and the fact that no one n...