Primary to Secondary Color Mixing Flowers...

I wanted to do a lesson that introduced the kindergarten to color mixing. It was weeks before spring and I thought that we could do spring flowers. It was a great ideas till I thought about how my kindergartens were going to paint the intricate nature of a flower. We broke the drawings down into shapes and drew each flower as a class. The next class, we painted the blue sky making sure we go around the flowers and grown leaving them white (The blue makes the flowers look like they are under water with it being straight dark blue, but it adds to the playfulness of kindergarten). The following class the students painted the green stems and grass with the green they mixed from blue and yellow. Each class we talked about what colors were needed to create each secondary color. When the students came up to get paint I would ask them what color they were making and what colors were needed to make that secondary color. The last class the students painted the flowers purple and oran...