Cereal Box Sketchbooks

I have had a couple people comment or ask me about an earlier post about homemade sketchbooks made out of CEREAL BOXES. I just made some more with my summer school classes and documented how I did it. Hope the pictures help explain the steps better. All props have to go out to my Cooperating Teacher Deb during my student teaching in 2010. These are her idea and I owe her the world. Thanks Deb! Box full of already cut to size cereal boxes fold cereal box evenly on one of the side edges, as shown below Shows the fold along the one side The inside has the cereal box exterior design With an already 3 hole punched piece of paper (printer paper), trace the placement of the holes and hole punch the three holes individually with a hand hole-punch. Three holes are punched and ready to add paper Add glue to the cover, don't go past the fold line on the l...