Geometric Shape Only Aliens... Crayon Rubbings

From drawing to Printing plate ... layers!

Crayon Cake on colored piece of paper

Black crayon rubbing on white paper with watercolor over the top...

Crayon Cake rubbing on white paper... love the multiple colors!

Black Crayon rubbing on white paper

1. Initial Alien drawing using only shapes
2. On a 11 x 11 inch white piece of tag board, the students started gluing colored pieces of tag board in the same shape and size as the drawing.
3. Build layers on top of one another.

1. Using white paper, rub over the top of the printing plate with back crayon (Print two... one for watercolor, and the other to keep black and white)
2. Using white paper, rub over the top of the printing plate with a crayon cake (look to see how they are made in my archives) of their choosing.
3. Using a colored piece of paper (students choice) use whatever crayon they wish to rub over the top of the printing plate. White crayons work great.
