Fall Leaf Zentangle Positive Negative Lesson (Thats a mouth full)

My third grade students started this lesson looking at a leaf found in our woods just outside my classroom. Using a thicker paper, the students looked at the leaf and drew their own form of a leaf tracer. After cutting out their drawing, the students drew a line down the center of a piece of white paper. After drawing another line parallel to the first line, the students traced the leaf tracer down the one side of the paper. Once they finished the first side, they did the same thing on the other side, except they placed it in-between the two on the other side. The next class, I introduce the third graders to zentangles. The students had to pick one design and fill the inside of the leafs on one side, and the area around the leafs on the other side. The final design gives a positive negative look. We outlined the leaf and filled any areas we wanted black with sharpie marker. The results were awesome and very interesting to look like. Almost a form of tessellation.
