I Finally Found Time To Add Some Color To A Once Lack of Color Art Room

About time... I finally got the time to spruce up my second of my two art classrooms. My "Respect" board that I blogged about earlier was only in one on my two classrooms. I have found that it is extremely hard to balance my time between the two schools. I always feel like I am giving more time to one classroom or school than the other. Well, this weekend I made it my goal to catch up.
"We Are All Artists" board... is my attempt to showcase my students artwork in a way that they can be acknowledged for their hard work. It will allow parents and guest to my room the chance to see all the artwork being created in my classroom by the different grades. I love the way it turned out, and how easy it will be to make changes as new projects are created. My hopes are to write down the names of each student shown on the board, and change it up throughout the year. No student will be on the board more than once. "We are all artist"... should represent the fact that no matter how talented the student, I reward the attempt and the improvement made with each project.
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