Preview of Overlapping lesson

Yay, my Kindergarten students are learning to cut and trace so well! I am so excited about the improvement my kindergartners are showing in their cutting and tracing skills that I had to show you a sneak peak of their new lesson on "overlapping"... We read the book "The Dot" and learned that all of us are artist as long as we try and put something down on the paper. The students learned the importance of signing their names and that all the famous artist put their names on the front of their artwork. I had the students trace a rectangle tracer and then cut out a rectangle and sign the front of it. This was a great lesson because I got a ton of paper used up out of my scrap paper pile. The students took paper out of the scrap box and brought it back to their table to trace the rectangle. once they cut it out they came back up and grabbed a different color piece of scrap paper and did it all over again. I decided to show their names on the rectangles when they glued them to the gray paper to reinforce the importance of signing their name. The students were so proud of their cutting abilities... (secret: so was their teacher!)
Hope you enjoy... final images will be up soon.
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