Love for storms and a hatred for WIND

So I try to be a frontier man (with the help of the girlfriend) and grow a garden in the back yard of my still college house. I have planted a garden before, but in a much smaller fashion. I get all nifty and plant everything from seeds. I work the soil and slave over the garden for a month without any results (actual food). Then comes July and the crop takes off, I have tomatoes five feet tall and 15 corn stalks, green beans, egg plant, five pepper plants, and three zucchini plants. Each stalk of corn has two ears of corn forming... and then... WIND...RAIN... and TORNADO WARNINGS!!!!! Guess how my beautiful crop weathered the storm... Not very well! All the hard work and its all gone. I was so bummed that I decided to tell my students the (boring) story. One of my students came up to me while we were making the Shrinky Dink bugs and told me that her mom and dad have a garden, I quote "They have thousands of corns, Ill bring you ONE." Gotta love this job, I wanted to tell her the difference between a garden and a FARM but she was so nice to offer me one ear of corn... It did make me feel better though.




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